Do you use your real name on fedi? Boosts appreciated for reach. :boost_requested:

What the hell how have so many people seen this lmao

This is officially my most popular toot to date

this thing got 200 boosts, by far the most "viral" thing I've posted on fedi lmao

By the way to the poll I did a while back on whether or not people use their real names on fedi...

A lot of people rightly said they go by different names for one reason or another, which I didn't really consider

I go by Toast irl too, so that makes it my real name 🙃

@human what are we considering a "real" name in this context? legal name? the name we use irl? the name that is most real to us?

@icarus good question. Whatever you're most comfortable with I suppose

@human interesting! i said yes because i would consider this my "realest" name, but i would hate for anyone irl to know it. cant trust normies with a True Name, its too much power!

hmm.. i'm inspired to do a follow up poll now

@human I feel like it's cheating to say "yes" when we named ourselves after our internet handle

- the Packbats 🎒

@human I use my first name here, and on another one I use my full name.

@human I have 2 accounts, one real and one horse


I assume my "real name" would be my State-recognised alias ?

Because none of my friends (and only part of my family) call me like that anymore ^^

@human It's more real than my government given name. UwU
But I guess no.

@human the only reason I don't is that I got here and realised most people I was coming across didn't. I used to though. And I don't have a problem with people knowing it.

@foxes yea something's up with my instance I think lmao

I'm pretty sure the poll started with 100 "yes"s, so maybe subtract 100 yesses to get the real result once the poll ends


🌹 said yes and no, we use our own names but nothing we go by offline, legal or otherwise

@human I said yes, and I mean it. This is my real name. Anyone insisting otherwise does not know me. Well I do use my forename but I don't feel pressured to do so here. I am just bad with coming up with nicknames in general

@human Depends on the account I'm using (since I have multiple).

But then, again, technically I do use my real name, so, I voted "yes".

@human hmmm, i mean, most of my irl friends don't even know my real names as i most often go by my surname but my pseudo is technically a mix of my real names so i guess i should've answered yes in the end? :oh_no:

@FiXato It turns out that a lot of other people have made this distiction and I didn't really think about it when I made the poll 🤷

If I were to make the poll again I'd probably re-word it to "is your account tied to a real identity?" because I'm more curious if people trust the fediverse with their real identity or not

@human i voted yes because basically everyone calls me like that but its not my legal name

@human for me I prefer to use pseudonyms. It's not about trust but about control. I don't want a permanent identifiable record of everything I've said. The right to forget and the right to be forgotten. I also don't feel comfortable with random comments I've made showing up in search engines. Like I don't use this perceived anonymity to avoid responsibility for my actions. I just want to feel safe and comfortable. More so than I do in meatspace.

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